Year-End Giving
Year-End Giving: Many ways to give…many ways to help
Because Lake Sunapee Region VNA & Hospice is a non-profit organization, tax deductible donations are accepted … and needed … in order to fulfill our mission. With many ways to give, here are a few:
It’s easy to give stocks and other marketable securities. The value of the gift is based on what the stock or other security sold for on the day of the donation (i.e. the average price between the highest and lowest quoted selling prices). And donors who give long-term stock (stock owned for more than one year) that has appreciated in value avoid paying capital gains.
Retirement Assets
To donate retirement plan assets during your lifetime, you would need to take a distribution from the retirement account, include the distribution as income, account for any taxes associated with the distribution, and then contribute cash to the charity—with one exception: People who are age 70 ½ or older can donate up to $100,000 from their IRA directly to a charity and avoid paying income tax on the distribution (known as a qualified charitable distribution).
Check / Credit Card
Simply send a check (payable to LSRVNA) or use a credit card online to donate.
There is still time to get a tax-deduction for 2017! Contact Cathy Raymond at 603-526-4077 with questions.